Erika Tanith Photography

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Best Wedding Photography of 2019

2019 was a wild ride of a year, wasn’t it? I had the pleasure of meeting some incredible people and the weddings I had the privilege to capture were all beautiful and unique. So, as is traditional at the beginning of a new year, it’s time to take stock of what has recently come to pass. I’ve therefore picked out some of my favourite moments for you all to enjoy; with my “Best Wedding Photography of 2019” post.

Best Wedding Photography 2019

Choosing my favourite images has been just as hard as it always was. How do you do it? All these weddings full of wonderful people, the stories and the love that they’ve shared; it’s far from easy. There were so many more images that I would have loved to have shared with you all, but there isn’t space for a thousand pictures. I’ve chosen these photographs for a few reasons; because they show life, and feelings, and the joyous abandon that is a great wedding.

This year I’ve grouped the images according to the time of day because each part feels separate to the rest. Before the ceremony there are the flutters of excitement, it’s relaxed, but there’s an edge. Through the day the ceremony holds all the tension which is then cast aside for the start of the celebrations. After the meal everything goes wild and anything goes. So here’s a few of my faves from 2019:

The Morning

One of my favourite parts of any wedding is the prep. Bridal prep is a little spot of calm before the big emotions of the day. It’s also a fantastic time to capture candid images that really encompass people’s personalities, as well as pictures to set the scene and the mood for the day. It’s a time to be creative and experimental with framing and lighting. Frankly, it’s great fun!

The Afternoon

Everyone is nervous when it comes to their wedding ceremony. It’s the day when you say ‘I do’ to the person you love most in the world, but you’re scared? Funny that. I suppose that’s why you have to follow the ceremony with a drinks reception. I’ll bet that’s the best tasting glass of champagne you ever sip! Then, of course, you get to take some pictures of you and your closest people looking your best. After that you get food – brilliant. And speeches. I know sometimes folk think pictures during speeches is odd, but I think the reactions to what’s being said are delightful.

The Evening

This is where it all kicks in. Once the cake cutting and first dance are over that’s all the set pieces completed, and the only thing left to do is to enjoy the night. Whether that’s your own playlist, a DJ, or a live band of epic proportions, it’s when everyone lets loose. The heels come off, the inhibitions are forgotten, and the dance floor is full of flashing lights and some serious moves. Air guitar anyone?

I hope you enjoyed looking through this collection of my best wedding photography 2019. If you like what you see or have any questions please feel free to contact me and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Here’s to 2020 being just as amazing! Xx