Erika Tanith Photography

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Druridge Bay Engagement Photography – Lindsey & Santosh

I do love engagement shoots, they’re fun and relaxed, and I feel like I really get to know a couple before their wedding happens for real. Lindsey and Santosh wanted to go to Druridge Bay for their pre-wedding session, and at this time of year the place is a delight!

So, not only did I get to hang out with two awesome people, I also got to meet Indy the dog. Yet again, another amazing couple has taught their dog that photographers aren’t food! You’d be surprised how tasty many dogs assume I am. I think it must be that my ankles look like chew toys. So Indy was lush, and the weather was pretty good too. It could have been a touch warmer, but the dramatic skies outweigh the extra heat I could have hoped for.

An overcast sky is one of the best things you can hope for on a shoot. People often think that bright sun is ideal, but strong light causes strong shadows. Heavy contrast isn’t ideal as it limits the directions in which you can shoot. You can’t ask people to pose facing into the sun because it hurts your eyes (and squinting isn’t the best look). You can’t shoot into the sun either. So yeah, pretty clouds, beautiful settings, a fabulous couple, and a dog that didn’t want to eat me: amazing!

Druridge Bay Engagement Photography

Druridge Bay is a lovely spot on the Northumberland coast. We explored some of the beach, and a good chunk of the country park too. There’s some lovely places hidden away. Lots of little paths, and pretty places to stand and admire the view. We chatted a fair bit about travel, about life, the universe and everything. We also grabbed a coffee at the end when we chatted about the plan for the big day. Not long to go now guys!

All in all it was a lovely morning, and I can’t wait for the wedding.