High House Farm Wedding Photography – Mick & Charlotte

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High House Farm in Northumberland is a favourite venue of mine, so when Charlotte and Mick told me that was where they were having their wedding I was pretty excited. And it wasn’t even my wedding.

So the big day rolled around and I had the additional joy of driving the Old Military Road with some of my favourite tunes blasting to start the day. It doesn’t get a whole lot better than that. Well, unless someone wants to give me a nice car? I’ll swap you for this old Micra, it’s only got 150k miles on the clock? No? No takers?


Charlotte looked absolutely stunning, and for all of Mick’s worry, exaggerated or not (one of my favourite pictures), the wedding ceremony was beautiful. The Northumberland registrars were wonderful as always. As always the relaxed nature of High House Farm contributed to the vibe which carried on throughout the day. The wedding breakfast was a picnic style feast with people sharing platters and helping themselves. The speeches were heartfelt, the confetti was colourful, and even the photos were quick and easy with everyone enjoying themselves.

Fun & Relaxed

I made the mistake at one point of nipping to the restroom and leaving my camera with two apparently sober and responsible individuals. Guess which photo they took in my absence. I bet you can’t spot it!

The day was very relaxed. Mick was in the military and really didn’t want to have a formal day and he definitely got his wish. There was so much fun and laughter, you can just feel it in the photographs. When days are as wholesome and enjoyable as this it makes being a wedding photographer a breeze.

It was a wonderful wedding, and as I left the band were just starting to get going. I wish I could have stayed longer, it was such a fabulous day.

High House Farm Wedding Photography


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