Erika Tanith Photography

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Lodge Farm Wedding Photography - Tom & Helena

I love photographing weddings (kinda obvious, I know), but I especially love rustic venues like barns and farms. I also get particularly excited for new venues. Whether that’s venues that are completely new, or new to me it doesn’t matter; it gets the creativity flowing. So imagine my delight when Tom & Helena asked me to photograph their wedding day at Lodge Farm in Cundall.

Lodge Farm only opened its doors in 2021. A 200 year old Grade II listed building, the barn has been renovated and has the relaxed and cosy feel that you expect from a farm, especially one in Yorkshire. I could wax on for quite some time about my love for all things Yorkshire: the people, the friendliness, the hills, the wildlife, the beer! But that’s not why we’re here. So: The wedding!

Tom and Helena got ready in the B&B which is handily situated behind the barns, and has separate sections so the couple couldn’t accidentally run into each other. Handy, no? Tom and the guys got ready upstairs in the main house, with their light blue accents and exquisite buttonholes. Helena and the girls got ready in the downstairs apartment, enjoying croissants and being remarkably relaxed throughout.

The ceremony was beautiful, with some wonderfully unique readings. I wish I could remember exactly what it was, but there was a glorious excerpt from a book which was very moving. It was set in Yorkshire and was about the progression of a relationship as the writer was walking through the county. Walking, or hiking I suppose to be more correct about it, was a feature throughout the day. Not just the reading, or the setting of Lodge farm itself, but other things too. The table names were the names of bothies the couple had stayed in during their adventures in New Zealand.

Speaking of which, do take a look at the table plan, the dogs are all hand drawn by Helena. They featured on the name cards and menu too. She is amazingly talented and what a great way to personalise your day with hand-drawn pictures of your pets.

Big up to Albie who was a very good boy on the engagement shoot.

All the speeches were excellent, especially the ones that embarrassed Tom. Sorry, not sorry, they were funny. And I always like to see the bride say a few words! Yes!

After the meal the bride and groom cut the cake and had a romantic first dance that quickly morphed into frenetic bouncing around to songs that I still can’t do the moves to 20-odd years later (seriously Macarena, I will never get you to stick).

It was such a special day that I’m sure holds incredible memories for everyone. Congratulations Tom & Helena, may your wedded life bring you untold happiness.