Erika Tanith Photography

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Roker Hotel Wedding Photography – Ann-Marie & Paul

Every wedding is unique, and one of the fun things about planning a wedding is all the personal touches that you add to make the day truly your own. Sometimes there are so many individual and handmade items in a wedding that it’s incredible the preparations didn’t take years to complete. Ann-Marie and Paul really went that extra mile.

It must be wonderful to be so talented at crafts that you’re able to make your own save the dates, invitations, centrepieces, favours, and cupcakes. Now is a good time to say thank you for the tasty ginger treat! I adore cake. Just saying!

They also made their decorations, beer mats and heavens know what else! I am still in awe of the picture that Paul drew for the tables. It must have taken him a small forever. It showed every individual guest in a ‘Where’s Wally’ kind of sketch on the sea front. I struggle to find time to make a cup of tea in a day so the idea of turning my hand to giant paper flower studded globes for every table is simply amazing.

Beach Weddings At The North Sea Are Incredible

After Ann-Marie and Paul had clearly decided to upstage everyone else ever – thanks for setting the bar that high guys! – they also decided to have an amazing day. The ceremony was lovely and followed by a drinks reception. We took a few formal photos before speeches and a lovely meal. Whilst the lovely staff at The Roker Hotel got the room ready for the evening we popped down to the beach for a few more fun pictures. It was cold, but good fun. I’m very pleased with the candid images at the sea front. I do like to take pictures whilst people are setting up for a picture. It’s silly, but it works. After photos it was back up to the hotel for drinks, dancing, more drinks, more dancing and a cigar.

Thank you again for having me, it was wonderful to be a part of your special day.

Roker Hotel Wedding Photography