Erika Tanith Photography

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Fashion Modelling – Millie

Modelling Portfolios

Back in December a lovely lady called Hayley contacted me to ask about a special gift for her step daughter. She thought it would be a great idea for Millie to have some modelling experience. She wanted it to be done in a way that was fun, stress free, and resulted in some gorgeous photographs.

Fashion Modelling

So I pulled together The Dream Team: Nicola from Little Miz Makeup, and Stephanie Spoors, the talented hairdresser. We worked out dates and times, and Millie got the most fabulous Christmas gift ever!

We started the day with some simple headshots for Millie’s acting portfolio, then Nic and Steph worked their magic. Millie is a beautiful girl and we could have done so many different looks. We decided to keep things pretty simple, and ensure it was as much fun as we could. If I remember correctly I think I even made cakes for the occasion.

Gorgeous & Glamorous

As Millie was so young – sweet sixteen – we kept the styling light and fun, with a small dip into some classic Hollywood glamour (because who doesn’t love Hedy Lamarr?). We tend to think of ladies who were the stars of Hollywood’s Golden Age as being older than they were. Most stars were at their peak in their mid-twenties, although the style of the day often makes us think they were older. We decided to shoot the Hollywood glamour set first. That way we could do a more dramatic makeup look afterwards by adding makeup to the existing look. It’s far easier to do that than, for example, to remove a bright lipstick for a lighter look afterwards.

Millie looked amazing and really got into the fashion modelling part of the shoot. It was fun, we laughed, we made pretty images, and it was a great day. We ended up with so many photos that I couldn’t possibly showcase them all on here today, but here’s a few of my favourites.