Erika Tanith Photography

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Am I Too Old For A Boudoir Shoot?

Am I Too Old For A Boudoir Shoot?

The short answer is “no”.
The long answer is “Aw, hell no!”

“Are You Sure?”

You exist. I exist. My camera exists. We can all be in the same room at the same time creating amazing images, so I promise you there’s no physical barrier to us creating sexy pictures together no matter how old you are.


When Pauline contacted me to enquire about a boudoir shoot, she asked the same thing: was there an age limit? Was she too old? I don’t know exactly how old Pauline was when we did this shoot together, but she absolutely killed it. We took it slow and made sure she wasn’t in any positions that were going to hurt her, but that’s a consideration that I extend to all my clients.

Every single person who I work with is treated as an individual. This isn’t “boudoir by numbers”, this is a personalised session where you get to create personal pieces of art. This means that I work with you, and your body, your ideas, and your vision to make beautiful pictures. It doesn’t matter if you’re 18 or 80, if you want a boudoir shoot, you should have one.

Pauline very kindly gave me permission to use her photos on my site, and I am so grateful to her for that. She was such a warm person, so vibrant, with so much love to give. I am thrilled to have had the opportunity to work with someone who is not only content to go out there an have a boudoir shoot at the age of “not in her twenties any more”, but who is confident enough in herself to say “yes, I’m happy to be an inspiration to other women”.

What a gal!