Newcastle Civic Centre Wedding Photography – Sarah & Jonathan

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You’ve just got to fall in love with a couple who look at wedding traditions and then throw each and every last one of them out the window.

Sarah and Jonny got ready at their home, together. None of that “it’s bad luck to see each other before the ceremony”; just a nice morning chilling out with a couple of friends for company. They taxied down to Newcastle Civic Centre where they met their guests and had a few staged family photos before everyone was called up to the ceremony. Radiant in a beautiful Grey dress Sarah walked down the aisle linking arms with her father for a lovely ceremony of heartfelt readings and the exchange of rings.

Having decided to marry on a Monday in February there was no rush to exit the Civic and everyone milled around a little on the balcony to pass on their best wishes before making their way down to Pleased to Meet You.

Pub Weddings Are The Best!

I’m sure that everyone is fully aware of how I feel about pub wedding receptions. But for those of you who don’t know, I think they’re incredible! Pubs are places that everyone just feels comfortable; no need for airs and graces or any of that nonsense. Just grab a pint, or a glass of whatever you fancy, and enjoy the day. Everyone had a great time in the bar, and I got some lovely candid pictures of everyone enjoying themselves.

So there was some enjoyable relaxing and chatting, before moving through to the large dining room. There, among the handmade place-settings, there were a couple of short speeches, and then something to eat. At this point I have to say I was particularly impressed as vegan catering is still frequently lacking in the UK. However, the vegan food at Pleased to Meet You was amazing! I have to say thank you again to Jonny and Sarah for looking after me so well.

The meal was leisurely, no rush for the room to be turned round, just casual and fun. From the dining room everyone went downstairs to the Viceroy suite for more drinks. No first dance, but Sarah and Jonathan did enjoy a first game of Exploding Kittens. Told you they weren’t very traditional!


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Newton Hall Wedding Photography – Nikki & Michelle